My Angels and Me
Connecting you with your Angelic Team
Fantastic Questions
to Ask Your Angels
February 1, 2015

I love asking my angels and spirit guides for help and support as often as I can. However, I've found that
The answer you receive is only as good as the question you've asked.
Learning how to create good questions will help you find the answers you're looking for.
I hope my favorite tips below help you avoid common pitfalls while creating accurate questions to ask your angelic team!
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Example Questions
o What do I need to know about _______ in order to decide _______?
o How can I move forward with ______?
o What was/is holding me back in ______?
o Is there any unhealed trauma/wounds holding me back from fully living my life?
o What was/is the meaning of ______?
o What was/is the lesson or purpose of _______?
o How can I improve my chances of _______?
o What is important for me to know about my current life path?
o What is my life purpose?
o What are my skills and gifts?
o What was/is the nature of my relationship with ________?
o Why did/do I feel _____ and what do I need to heal?
o Why did ______ happen and what do I need to heal?
It's true that Divine Timing, unresolved traumas, the natural consequences of our past actions, and other people's choices can affect the course of our lives. However, questions asking for future predictions ignore the most important factor in your life – YOU! You are the lead creator of your life, and your thoughts, beliefs and actions are the biggest force in creating your future, moment by moment. I personally do not believe there is a single pre-determined “fate” dealt to each of us, but that there are a multitude of choices available to us – which we choose (either consciously or unconsciously) through our beliefs, thoughts, and actions (or lack of action).
This means that any future prediction is the most likely outcome based on a snapshot of the situation at the time of asking the question. Which means if you and/or other people involved in the situation change their beliefs/thoughts/actions at any time, the reading could become invalid. That is the beauty (and complexity) of free will – we always have the choice to change our future! This gets even trickier when you consider that the reading will likely reveal information that you didn’t have when the cards were drawn – by simply becoming aware of the reading’s information, it is already possible that your future has changed and the reading is inaccurate! >v<
That being said, questions where your angelic team can offer their insights into past or present situations are preferable, as the future is so changeable. And rather than simply telling you what your future might be, your angels want to empower you by giving you insight and guidance that will help you make informed decisions so that you can create an EVEN BETTER future for yourself!
Example Questions
x "Will _____ marry me?"
o "What are the pros and cons of my relationship with _____?"
x "Am I going to be rich?"
o "What can I do in order to create financial abundance in my life?"
x "When will I find my soulmate?"
o "What kind of person will make a good spouse for me, and how can I attract them into my life?"
The only beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors you can ever truly change are your own. I personally re-word questions such as, “Is my partner cheating on me?” or “What does _____ think about me?” or “When will _____ propose to me?” These questions do not focus primarily on your own energy, nor do they allow you to gain a better understanding of your contribution to the situation. There are two sides to every story, and since we are the lead creators of our reality, we cannot be a helpless victim unless we choose to be treated like one. (Although things such as past trauma can make this an unconscious choice, due to our missing personal power.)
I also do not pry into 3rd parties’ business (ex. “Does (s)he like _____?”), unless I have all parties' direct permission to connect with their energy. Looking for psychic information about someone else is a misuse of psychic readings, in my opinion - you should talk to the person directly. If you feel like it is impossible to talk to the other person directly and honestly, you have three options: change your own attitude/actions/outlook, find a new situation that suits you better, or continue to wait with no guarantee that the other person will change.
Example Questions
x "Is my partner cheating on me?"
o "What issues are affecting me and my partner’s intimacy, and how can I improve the situation?"
x "Why are my mom and sister fighting?"
o "Is there anything I can do to facilitate healing between my mom and sister?"
x "Does Bob like Carol?"
( This question doesn't involve your energy at all, so your angels aren't interested in answering it. Although perhaps it would be interesting to ask, "Why am I concerned about Bob and Carol?" )
Asking questions that have a simple “yes/no” answer means you want someone else to tell you what to do. This dis-empowers you (oops!) because you are giving up your rightful power and responsibility for making your own life choices. I personally rephrase yes/no questions, because I want to empower my clients and trust that THEY are the only ones with the insight and personal knowledge to intuitively know what is the best path for them.
Plus, you sell yourself short by severely limiting the amazing insight your angels can provide for you! In my Angel Card readings especially, yes/no questions do not yield good results, because the angels perceive every experience as a wonderful opportunity for growth. So they will always say, “If you want to, then yes!” It drives my clients crazy, haha. >v< The angels will also never tell you what to do; their job is to support you on your journey and give you additional information that will help YOU be the leader of your life and make informed decisions. So, rephrasing yes/no questions in to open-ended questions gives much more accurate angel insight!
Example Questions
x "Should I move to Hawaii?"
o "What is important for me to know in deciding whether to move to Hawaii or not?"
x "Is ______ the right job for me?"
o "What strengths and challenges does this job offer me?"
x "Should I accept this job offer?"
o "How would accepting this job offer affect my relationships, career, and finances?"
This requires you to do some soul-searching when formulating your question. See if it is possible “dig deeper” with your current question so you can really find out what the underlying issues are. For example, if you are annoyed that your partner does not seem to pull their weight around the house, it can be tempting to ask, “How can I get my partner to do his chores?” However, this ignores your part in the situation (it takes two to tango!) and it does not address what is likely an even deeper issue contributing to these feelings. Perhaps you feel ignored/under-appreciated, and it comes out as feeling resentful about the chores? Or maybe you inherited unrealistic cleanliness expectations from your childhood, and your partner’s actions are actually pointing out this unbalanced perfectionism? Often, whatever triggers us (i.e. invokes an inappropriately strong emotional reaction) is pointing out an underlying emotional wound that wants to be healed. Discovering and asking about the true root of the issue will allow your Angels to give much better insight to help you make improvements.
Another common question that people ask is, “When will I find my soulmate?” However, if you dig a little deeper, a better question would be, “What is blocking me from attracting an ideal partner?” And if you dig deeper, perhaps you will start to see coping mechanisms you have that are in fact sabotaging your dreams – you may realize that you have a tendency to push people away from you when things get too serious, that you are somehow attracted to types of partners that are not good for you, that you don’t believe you deserve an amazing lover, etc. These sort of root issues would then make excellent questions such as: “What is important for me to know about (issue) and what can I do to heal myself in order to attract an ideal partner?”
Example Questions
x "How can I get my partner to do his chores?"
o "Why doesn't my partner do his chores, and what can I do to improve our relationship?"
x "Why am I upset at my partner?"
o "Why do I not feel heard and appreciated in this relationship, and what can I do to heal those wounds?"
x "Why do I never have enough money?"
o "What money blocks do I have, and what can I do to encourage more abundance in my life?"
I hope that you find these tips illuminating and helpful.
And remember - there's more than one way to bake a cake.
So feel free to take what resonates with you, and personalize the rest! <3
In Love and Light,